Quality and simplicity are the key elements of this design
With such a minimalistic user interface, a meticulous eye for consistency and detail is crucial.
Through my journey as an artist I have been fortunate enough to garner many supporters. Friends love to see my style and skill develop, but without a social media presence I struggled to find an alternative space to present my art as I grow and create. This site is my solution.
The Gallery is a website for my friends, supporters, and anyone interested in my work to enjoy my illustrations in a peaceful and complimentary digital space. There are no distractions or clutter but every necessary function is available on every page. Even better- I have full control over how my art is presented and sold.
Custom built and tailored to my exact needs…
Opting to custom theme allowed precision control over every element. I meticulously wrote every line of code for the style and function of the site.
Integrating a shop into the website presented the challenge of maintaining minimalism and space, while presenting much more information on each page. I found balance in utilizing a breathable font with simplistic navigation and table elements.
The simple layout and efficient use of white space focuses user attention to the art. Clear categories and easy navigation make it effortless to access more of whatever captures your attention upon arrival.
A simple contact form at the foot of every page allows for quick and easy user conversion at virtually every step while not detracting from the design.